Cabbage and Leeks on Canvas

Before these beauties become a thing of the past until next winter…………thought I’d give them the once over.  Spent rather longer than had hoped but I hope have retained the immediacy I was after.  I was pretty pleased with the end result anyway.  The weather is a bit too nice for soup so they have been used for stock and chicken food!  The chickens love it when I paint vegetables.


Three Tomatoes

These three lovelies reminded me of my children…………it looks like they’re having an argument!  I loved those glossy skins and wanted to paint them immediately.  Can’t wait for my tomato plants to grow and give me a crop although I doubt very much if I’ll manage anything as gorgeous as these. Still homegrown always taste a lot, lot better.  In the meantime, a slug of olive oil, a bit of garlic and as Jamie Oliver would say ‘’some herbage’’ and we’re in business – pasta tonight!  This is becoming a bit of a cooking blog!!  Bank holiday and half-term to boot so am heading up to the Yorkshire Dales for a spot of family visiting.  Since I haven’t quite mastered the art of blogging on the road, will be back in a couple of days.


Dying Parrot on Canvas

Last of the hangers-on, just caught him hiding in the flower bed behind some thuggish cornflowers. Definitely a worthy death.  Had some girlies over for supper the other night and so had been folding napkins……………..I love the shadows on linen and the light coming in from the window caught the front folds.  Can I use tulips in supper?  Probably not, though if you have a recipe………………answers on a postcard please.

Daffodil Trio


So you would be right in guessing that the daffodils are over here but whilst I experience a few technical hiccups as a virgin blogger………………….. in the words of Valerie Singleton, ‘’here’s one I made earlier’.  The idea behind this was to try and capture the light falling on the front bloom and the a little on the front of the back blooms.  I really enjoyed painting these although am going to have to find another pigment as cadmium yellows seem always prove to be quite oily and translucent –  I chase it around the canvas a lot!

Asparagus and Bag

The first of many blogs!  Since today was my first day of producing a small daily painting, I thought I’d start at the beginning of the alphabet…………………..a for asparagus!  I don’t think I’ll follow this order though, besides I don’t have any bananas in the house.  The asparagus was fun to paint, the brown paper bag more of a challenge but hey…………..that’s dinner sorted!!