Mushroom and wallpaper

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard - SOLD

It’s all about the decay…………..the mushroom and the mouldy wallpaper.  I think I feel an affinity.

Tete a tete and brown paper 2

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard

I did the same ones but wanted to include this wallpaper.  It is very similar to one in the bathroom of the house we always went to in the Isle of Wight as children.  I have fond memories of Steephill Cove near Ventnor.  I’d love to go back but am worried I might find it changed.  Long summer days paddling in rock pools with a net on a bamboo rod and then back for a bath – this wallpaper with its leaping fish, ducks and swans feeding my imagination.

Tete-a-tete in brown paper

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard - SOLD

I bought this little pot in a florist largely because I like the way she wraps things in brown paper and ties it with raffia.  However, I had to pinch the raffia to wrap something else, hence the elastic bands!


Head study

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard

A bit left-field in the general scheme of things but it was a very grey day yesterday so I ended up doing this head study for a larger painting.  This is a study of Colette, a lovely Irish model who used to sit for us in the Attic Studios in Bangkok.  I miss those days of painting with other people.  Once Colette was settled into her pose, we’d whack up the music (generally Donna Summer and other disco music – favoured genre of studio owner), pour a glass of wine (evenings only of course, tea during the day) and jiggle around our easels painting – ah, those were the days.  Still, onwards and upwards………..back to my lonely studio upstairs – just me and Jenny Murray 🙂

Mug and lemons

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

A very grey day today indeed.  So much so that there’s precious little light to paint by, even in the attic.  This painting was a commission this week.  The buyer  wanted it for his wife’s birthday – it’s her special mug in which he brings hot water and lemon to her in bed every morning – how lovely.  A ritual I heartily approve of – might have to instigate that on himself’s return .  I’m not sure what the white marks are on the furthest lemon.  I think it may still have been wet when I photographed it – apologies, it’s definitely not on the painting.

Happy Birthday A.  – a couple of days late.

Jonquils and jars

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

Just to prove that spring is round the corner.  Mind you, I did get them in the supermarket so they were probably imported.


Pear and butterdish

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard - SOLD

A change from mushrooms but………………I’m not finished yet in my fungi foray.

More mushrooms

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard

I’ve really been having fun this week messing about with mushrooms.  This is supposed to be a practice and development project so please bear with me if you don’t much like fungi. There are all sorts of pathetic jokes  that could be made I know –  I shall resist.

Clementines and bowl

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard - SOLD

This little rice bowl keeps popping up but I do love it…………especially the way the light comes through the little rice motifs.


Breakfast mushrooms

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

You’re going to have to bear with me this week………….I’m having a bit of a mushroom-fest.  Once I start, I can’t stop so this will be one of a few.  It’s great that I get to eat them baked in the oven in milk and butter and plopped on a piece of toast.  This one is for a friend who does bed-and-breakfast.