Head study
A bit left-field in the general scheme of things but it was a very grey day yesterday so I ended up doing this head study for a larger painting. This is a study of Colette, a lovely Irish model who used to sit for us in the Attic Studios in Bangkok. I miss those days of painting with other people. Once Colette was settled into her pose, we’d whack up the music (generally Donna Summer and other disco music – favoured genre of studio owner), pour a glass of wine (evenings only of course, tea during the day) and jiggle around our easels painting – ah, those were the days. Still, onwards and upwards………..back to my lonely studio upstairs – just me and Jenny Murray 🙂
Reminds me of days in Banbury we used to paint to music, anything we could get away with, in those days though Carol King Neil Young etc no rock was allowed! Alkkthough Marc Bolan and T Rex was. Now I too listen to Radio 4……!
Nice study, will we be seeing the larger version?
Looks like Lund from the Killing. Just watched Episode 8.
Oh. Maybe I should have painted her in a woolly sweater?