Jonquils and jars

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

Just to prove that spring is round the corner.  Mind you, I did get them in the supermarket so they were probably imported.


4 replies
  1. Sonia
    Sonia says:

    Yellow flowers just lift the spirits at this time of year with their promise of what is to come, the snowdrops at Eydon Church are out and will be at their best by the w/e I think, good to see the white flowers against the green and not lost in the snow.

  2. Angela Stack
    Angela Stack says:

    These bring back memories of our first Christmas on the Scilly Isles. These narcissus are called Soleil d’Or and are grown on the Scillies and because of the mild climate start coming in from November, grown mainly by smallholders in small fields surrounded by tall Euonymous(?) hedges to protect them from the winds. I remember going into the cool damp atmosphere of the sheds were they bundle them up and the scent is amazing.
    I buy them every Christmas as a treat and bury my nose in the blooms and resurrect those memories. A.


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