Poppies and jug

This painting is the second one which has gone off for the next Help for Heroes auction in a place far away.  You may have guessed that this week, although back to the drawing board, I have been posting paintings that are long gone.

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

This is because I have been suffering from a severe case of artist’s block!  Whether it’s January or my deep-seated hang-up about not creating  what Sadie Valeri calls ”important art”, I’m not sure.  However, after years of apologising for myself in what I choose to paint – I am completely happy doing what a lot of people call ”studies”.  I just need to get my backside  back in gear.

Anyway, I’m getting back into it this week and waiting for paint to dry – quite literally.  I have started work on some larger paintings but they will be representational.  Quite honestly, what makes me want to paint is catching sight of some light on an object or a shadow cast by another as I pass through the kitchen.   In another life I might push the boundaries with blistered neon paint or make a sculpture from rotting animal carcases to represent the struggles of the Burmese people but for this one, it’s onions and apples!  Oh dear, did that sound like an apology?………….

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