Blogiversary and strawberries

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, NFS

Today is the one-year anniversary of my blogging history!!  Yip, yip………I made it.  I’ve been daily painting for longer than that but started the blog this time last year.  Sometimes, it’s been hard to think of something to write but it’s all about the painting and the discipline has been really good for me.  I intend to carry on until such time as I start to go mad…………….could be quite soon.

To celebrate, I am giving away today’s painting to a subscriber who will be chosen at random on June 10th.  If you’re not signed up, please do so, it will encourage me to carry on.  It’s very easy and you can unsubscribe anytime.  Your details will not be passed on to any third party so …………….go on, press the button – you’ve got to be in it to win it!

8 replies
    • Penny German
      Penny German says:

      Thank you Kathleen and everybody else for all the good wishes by email. I have retreated to the garden as all painted out for the day but have noticed that it’s looking a little like Sleeping Beauty’s garden so no rest for the wicked…….weeding on.

  1. Catherine
    Catherine says:

    Congratulations! I really love getting the paintings in my inbox every day and I enjoy your daily musings !

  2. Helen King
    Helen King says:

    The time has flown, it’s hard to believe it’s been a year. It’s been really lovely getting your fantastic paintings and musings each day! Looking back at some of the paintings is a real diary of the changing seasons. Looking forward to many more posts.

  3. Charlotte
    Charlotte says:

    Hi Penny,

    I love your paintings, thank you for drawing my attention to the fact that I can subscribe! A daily painting in my inbox will be just the ticket to take the edge off a monotonous day at work!


    • Penny German
      Penny German says:

      Thank you Charlotte. I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend in the sunshine after a week at work. I haven’t forgotten your pears, just need to get Chelsea show out of the way!

  4. Sonia
    Sonia says:

    I left a note on the day – why isn’t it here? I look forward to receiving your pics in my inbox and hope to keep getting them for a long time to come!


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