Cherries and wallpaper

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

Well, a marvellous jubilee weekend I must say.  Apart from the weather that is.  Firstly, the Untitled Art Fair which was great fun (if hard work) and a great success in terms of sales, meeting lovely people, getting encouraging feedback  and making good contacts.  Utterly exhausted though and a trek down to the embankment (whilst Bob filled in back at the Town Hall) to wave at the Queen in the pouring rain did nothing to help the poor old trotters feel better.  An hour’s wait for a table for pizza on the King’s Road afterwards also felt like a lifetime but hey – ho, the great British spirit kicked in and we were soon chatting to pageant-goers  in the queue about our day.   The following three days (our jubilee extended into Wednesday with a lovely lunch today) was a succession of social events so I need to go and lie down in a darkened room now.  I spotted my blogchum Haidee-Jo Summers on the telly being filmed trying to paint on the Milennium Bridge in a gale – now that takes stamina and she made a fantastic job of it, have a look at her website.  I parted company with this painting at the weekend.

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