Satsumas and japanese cup

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Well it’s nice to see the sun again and be able to step out without wellies.  So nice that the dog took it into his head to run off during our morning walk.  I found him with the love of his life, a working collie from the farm, whose owners were not impressed.

Mince pies are in the oven as we speak so hope to see some of you at the weekend.

Figs in ramekin

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

I don’t know why but I’m really drawn to this Jamie Oliver ramekin which is that lovely dark grey which is oh so trendy at the moment.    I’ve been busy sprucing up the studio for the weekend and also filling in my stock sheets for the new pop-up shop in Northampton to open next week in St. Giles street.  It will be full of lovely things made by local artisans.  More on that later.


8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

More swag from a friend’s garden.   These were lovely to paint with all their earthy colours.  If you are in the area, I’m having an open studio on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week.  It would be lovely to see you and show off my new workplace.

Victoria plums and wallpaper

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-sold

More water……….can’t believe it!  It has seriously impeded my attempts today to ready myself for my ”open studio” this weekend.  Speaking of which, if you are in the area, please drop in to see my new abode and partake of a coffee and a mince pie.  Friday/Sat/Sun 11-2pm – umbrellas supplied!  Yesterday I took a trip to Ikea with Flora to buy Christmas presents for her friends (she is on a budget!).   Four weeks before Christmas, it was the type of trip that leaves you  in despair for humanity.  However, on the bright side, I saw a fantastic storage system for the new studio which got me quite excited………..little things.


8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

It must be getting on for Christmas, I keep buying Satsumas and/or Clementines.  I’ve just bought the dog a new bed for the studio so that he can keep me company…………he quite approves but thought he might test drive it in the warm kitchen first.

Marmite on tiles

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Water, water everywhere.   I delivered some paintings late yesterday afternoon and between the villages there were lakes of water on the road at intervals………not fun in a VW Golf.   I managed to get back ok, locked the doors and lit the fire……….bliss.

Shallots, garlic and pot

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard -SOLD

This little pot is an old favourite, unearthed from my parents-in-laws field in Cumbria.  I love the colours of shallots……..very autumnal.   I have a strong recommendation for you.  I went to see the film Rust and Bone last night and I have to say it was quite the most excellent film I’ve seen in a long time.  Even Jobbers enjoyed it and he doesn’t like subtitles.  Speaking of which, so happy that Sophie Groebel is back on our screens…………great stuff, The Killing 3.


The old favourites.  Every so often I just have to paint a stack of cups.  I think it goes back to my art school days when, one afternoon we returned from lunch to find a stack of ten bar stools stacked together like Jenga sticks.  We were told to draw them using the negative shapes between the legs………….a brilliant if daunting exercise.   That teacher was Colin Moss who  died a few years ago

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

and was a great artist in his own right.

Mushroom on tiles

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard

I haven’t posted much lately because I’ve got a ”frozen shoulder” that’s giving me jip at the moment.  I’m rationing my easel hours so as not to exacerbate the situation.  In the meantime, I’m really working those tiles which are actually from a photo I took in a hotel bathroom in Italy in September.  Nothing escapes me and I loved the colour and the chips in the tiles.  My camera always makes my straight lines look wonky but they’re not, honest.  I’m painting in my studio for the first time today.  It’s not quite ready but I am working on a brace of pheasant which need to be kept chilled so as not to encourage nasty beasties.  The trouble is, that means I have to be kept chilled too which is not my natural state.  I’ve come in for some soup.

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Figs in bowl

8”x8”, oil on gessoboard-SOLD

More figs………….this one was sold at Windsor.  These didn’t have the lovely green necks but I think I like them dark.  I still have some figs in the fridge so there may be more.  I went to see The Sapphires last night at the cinema.  A bit cheesy but some belting music – worth a trip for that alone.  Don’t forget that I’m giving away a painting before Christmas but you need to be subscribed.