Eggshells and sake cup

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Eggshells and sake cup

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

More white!  Don’t worry, I will soon be running out of white paint. After painting this morning, I did a strenuous hour of yoga burn….ouch! I’m off for a massage, the weekend starts here! Have a good one. You may not here from me next week as I have a large portrait to work on.


Jonquils in a stone jar

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Jonquils in a stone jar

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

It’s getting sunny here and warming up a bit in the day so cardigan weather. I don’t suppose those of you in the UK really want to hear that though.  Looking forward to coming back at half-term but think I may need to bring my flippers. I was very inspired yesterday when I found some of the carved wooden blocks used to make the lovely block print patterns here.  They will be wending their way into my backgrounds for sure.  Anyway, here are the last if the jonquils.


Jonquils in a caper jar

Jonquils in a caper jar

8″x8″, oil on gessoboard

These jonquils are about the only decent flowers available at the moment. They are very sweet and emit a fantastic fragrance.  The flower seller’s choice, as I say, is not up to much unless of course you’re into turquoise-dyed gladioli!  Hence, the eggshells.  I am on the hunt for inspiring fabric to paint so am off to the market tomorrow.

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Garlic, linen and bowl

Garlic, linen and bowl

8″x8″, oil on gessoboard



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I meant to post this yesterday but got entangled in dance practice for tonight’s Burns Night Ball.  Jobbers and I were  put through our paces with the eightsome reel and I forgot all about blogging in the excitement.  So, back to the garlic and white linen today.



Oil on canvas – NFS

I’ve taken time off the eggshells today to finish this painting of “Smokey” who has the most gorgeous blonde ringlets on her crown.  She’s a lucky dog too – her family own a dog food business!

Garlic and linen

Garlic and linen

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

Sorry I haven’t posted yet this week but I have been having internet problems.  I am on a roll with these fairly monochrome studies Because they are a good way of working through understanding tones.  The reason they are available via email is that they are here in Pakistan and I will bring them home in February when I come back for half term.

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Garlic, cup and block print

Garlic, cup and blockprint

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

Painting has been disrupted this week by virtue of the fact that my living quarters (and makeshift studio) has been infiltrated by a gang of tailors! They are here to make new curtains and sofa covers (apparently they’re due for renewal). Four of them sit cross-legged on the floor with the smallest sewing machine and yards of fabric whilst a security guard sits and watches them. A sight to behold. Needless to say I feel a bit distracted and am trying to avoid the whole memsahib look, engaging in what to them might appear leisurely persuits. Anyway, managed this one the other morning before they arrived.

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Milk and eggs

Milk and eggs

8″x8″ oil on gessobiard-SOLD

The sun has been out today, hoorah……a lovely temperature of around 19 degrees or thereabouts. I can feel the temperature dropping now as the sun goes down.  I have been painting this morning and had my third tennis lesson this afternoon.  I think Maria Sharapova can probably sleep soundly.

Mince pies

Mince pies

8″x8″, oil on gessoboard

Before we put Christmas behind us entirely and also because I am a bit behind, here are some mince pies I did a couple of weeks ago. They may well be next year’s Christmas cards but I feel the holly may need a red berry or two……… a project to finish.  It’s been quiet here today due to a public holiday, Mohammed’s birthday. Jobber’s decided to take advantage of the quiet phone lines and went into work whilst I set too on some garlic which I will post tomorrow.

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Garlic bulb

Garlic bulb

8″x5″ oil on gessoboard

Arrived safely after a tortuous couple of flights  where I seemed to be travelling among some of the most sleepless babies on the planet.  My heart does go out to the parents though.  My eggshells arrived safely too with no arrests or diplomatic incidents., only to find that Jobbers had managed to track down a source of brown-shelled free-range eggs!  Anyway, garlic abounds here.

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