Garlic, eggshells and butter

#1395 garlic, eggshells and butter

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

You won’t believe this but I’ve actually packed these shells to take out to Pakistan  for painting.  yes, I  am aware that they do eat eggs there but thus far I have only been able to source white eggs…..pure as the driven snow.  I’m really getting into these brown jobs so I’ve resorted to smuggling.  They will probably arrive as crumbs or I will end up in jail, one or the other.  If you never hear from me again…..



11 replies
  1. Sonia Hawes
    Sonia Hawes says:

    funny the things which attract us when we are looking for subject matter, I can remember when I was a child that brown eggs were a penny more expensive than white! They do look nicer. Hope all is going well, how is it in Pakistan – can you get out and about? I think we’ll have some snow in a week or two – cold at least – so you might be glad to be somewhere a bit warmer


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