Roses and eggshells

End of the week here, all things grind to a halt at 1pm when everyone goes off to the mosque to pray. It’s cooler today thankfully as it is pretty overcast and the sky looks slightly threatening. A little bird, something like a hummingbird but not quite so tiny, started to build a nest in our table parasol outside but I think he’s abandoned it, most likely due to the racket we make when eating in the garden!

Roses and eggshells

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

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Roses and strawberries

It’s getting hotter by the day here and all the plants have given up. The roses have all died now but I managed to do this before they did. I’ve no idea what comes next. It’s quite exciting to see what flowers here, I think we will have to wait for the monsoon before anything else pops up. Mango season next – bring it on.

Roses and strawberries

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard- SOLD


Cherries in a blue bowl

Not only are the strawberries great but the cherries here are too. Revision is the priority here this week which is happening in the mornings (late, teenagers don’t rise early) while I paint with testing in the afternoon. Testing is so much more palatable poolside!

Cherries in a blue bowl

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD


Strawberries in a bowl

Please excuse the prolonged absence. I have been painting but working on larger paintings for galleries. I will show them to you when they are all complete. I have been enjoying the strawberries here but not particularly the recent spate of unrest. What with lockdowns due to protests and no-go areas it’s a job to get about at the moment and is seriously detrimental to shopping with Flora who is out for half-term! I also want to get painting plein-air here but not feeling particularly comfortable about standing around with an easel. I may resort to photographs but it’s not the same. Anyway, these strawberries presented me with no danger at all, unless you count the possibility of a stomach upset which is par for the course mostly!

Strawberries in a bowl

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Black magnolia

Mad dogs and Englishmen. It’s Friday 2pm and it’s about 40 degrees out there so I am staying in the air-conditioned loveliness of the house. I ventured out to the supermarket (I use the term loosely) earlier and nearly combusted. This is spring apparently, summer is yet to come. On the upside, the strawberries are pretty fantastic, even with the faint whiff of Milton. Think I might paint some! No blogs next week as I have larger pieces to finish. They keep staring at me from the corner of the studio so I must crack on.

Black magnolia

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

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Parrot tulip in a glass

One of the gorgeous tulips used by the Country Living stylist for the house shoot a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, they expired before I had time to paint them en masse so this is a sole survivor. Just getting back into the swing of things here before I hit the easel again next week.

Parrot tulip in a glass

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

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