
Protests, riots, bombs, heat, it’s all getting a bit tedious now. Suitcase is out and, since the sun has started to shine at home, I’m going to head out in a few days back to the relative calm of my garden studio……..and, relax.
Some extremely white eggshells that took my fancy.


8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

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Cherries and cup

It’s definitely cherry season here. They are sold everywhere on the streets. I think it’s supposed to reach 45 degrees here today so I’m looking forward to coming home next week. I will be able to enjoy a bit of plein-air painting in the UK. Security here say it’s a definite no-no. I suppose I would stick out like a sore thumb standing there with an easel in downtown Islamabad, painting a cherry-seller.

Cherries and cup

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1442″ ] 


Observation is what painting is all about. So, how come, in all these years, I’ve never noticed that Heinz use a “z” in the word Beanz. Either subliminal branding, that the word beans is so synonymous with Heinz……or maybe just that I’m just not so observant. Or perhaps just that I rarely eat them.


8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1441″] 


An old favourite. There’s always a bottle in our larder just in case and I have to say, the glass bottles are far superior in their beauty to their plastic counterparts.


8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Aubergine on a cloth

While I’m sad not to be at Patchings Festival this year, as I will still be in Pakistan this coming weekend, I’m delighted to say I shall be exhibiting and demonstrating at Childwickbury Arts Fair on 4th, 5th and 6th July so…..come on down for lots of art, music and food – I would love to see you. Click here for link.

Aubergine on a cloth

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD