Kirkby Lonsdale plein-air

Forgive my lack if communication but I’ve been ooop north on family matters. I did manage to grab a few hours painting on The Brow overlooking Ruskins View, painted by Turner and named such as it prompted John Ruskin to say; “‘I do not know, in all my own country, still less in France or Italy, a place more naturally divine.” And you know what, he was right. Still, it having been painted so beautifully by Timothy Spall, sorry JM Turner, it was difficult to do it justice and besides, something else was catching my eye….the cemetery gates to my left where a shaft of light was spilling through and hitting the top if the wall. Anyway, I turned my attention to that and had a lovely afternoon, very sociable because they’re reeet proper friendly oop there tha knows.

Cemetery gates 10x12

Cemetery gates 10×12

Have a great weekend!

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