
Managed this today despite all the distractions. The sun has just come back out and I’m itching to go and paint in the lanes now. Five in the afternoon is perfect. When the light is at it’s best and the shadows are amazing.
Anyway, here’s some beetroot…..right, I’m off.

1582 beets

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1582″ ] 

Magnolia and bowl

I have been neglecting my blog a little as I have a few things distracting me. Not least of these is training for the Moonwalk on May 16th. I’ve lost too many people to cancer and want to help raise funds for research and helping those suffering. I know we are all thinking of the poor people in Nepal but if you feel like sponsoring me, it would be greatly appreciated. Here’s a magnolia bud and to get the ball rolling, I will happily donate the sale price to this great cause so email me with your bid.. If not, you can donate via my WTW page by clicking

1580 magnolia bud

8″x6″ oil on gessoboard – Available by Auction

Hellebores in a jar

I don’t know about you but I’m lovin’ this weather. I have been busy walking in training for the Moonwalk (more on that later) and getting out painting too. England is beautiful at the moment. We have rain forecast tomorrow so I’ve been out to buy some beet root to paint. It just took my fancy.
Here’s today’s from the garden.

1579 hellebores in a jar

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard – SOLD



Painting out

Oh England, my England! Having been starved of the beautiful British countryside for many months, I just had to get out today. I painted a path through a rape field where I met a very nice woman riding her horse then moved on to Eydon churchyard where I knew it would be shady! Will post the paintings tomorrow after a tweak.

Just blocking in

Just blocking in

White roses

I am delighted to tell you that two of my larger paintings have been accepted for the RBSA Prize Exhibition in June
Happy bunny! Flying back to UK this weekend so see you next week…..hope it’s warm.

1578 white roses

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Hazari Bagh Baradari, Lahore

I finished this earlier today while it was fresh in my mind as I was unable to paint in-situ. We took Flora to see Lahore which I find more inspiring than Islamabad. It’s rich with culture and history, manic drivers and overladen donkey-carts! Lots to paint but sadly not allowed. Photos are the answer but I have to use them for reference for the initial impact a place has on me. In this case, deep shadows and strong light.

Baradari, lahore

Oil on gessoboard 10×8″

Pink roses

And…….more roses from the compound

1577 pink roses

Oil on gessoboard 8″x8″-SOLD


Roses from the compound

Islamabad is awash with spring colour. Flowering trees and beds full of roses and bedding plants. I found these on my morning walk which has to be done at 6 am now as any later and it’s too hot.

Roses from the compound-SOLD

8″ x 8″ Oil on gessoboard – SOLD


Marigold and Thai jar

Still on the marigolds…….

Marigold and Thai jar

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD


Marigold and coffee cup

We’ve pootled down the grand trunk road this afternoon to show Floss Lahore. We stopped at Wagah Border to watch the flag-lowering ceremony. Always good fun with the guards from each side (India and Pakistan) having a face off and crowds cheering their side on.

8"x8" oil on gessoboard

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD
