Demo fruit 1
Hellllloooo. Back from Patchings and utterly exhausted after four days of workshops followed on quickly by one day of travelling and setting up, four days of demonstrating, a two-hour tailback on the M1 back home and a trip to London today to deliver paintings. I have, in the past, had people comment on how relaxing it must be being an artist……huh!
Anyway, enough of that. I’m not moaning because I love doing what I do. Patchings was huge fun (despite some terrible weather and a near disaster involving a large pool of water collecting in the marquee roof above my stand). I caught up with a lot of buddies, made some more and saw lots of lovely blog-followers. Can’t believe I sold so many Christmas cards….in June! I only took them along to fill in a gap.
So while I smooth out my feathers and possibly tidy my house, here’s a demo piece from the workshops last week.

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD
It was great to talk to you and see your paintings Penny. Thank you for answering my queries about yellow paint and opacity.. Hope you have a much needed rest now!
Great to meet you too Richard. Good luck with those yellows!
Hi Richard, whoops I think I replied to my own email!! Anyway, you’re very welcome and hope it was helpful. No rest for the wicked I’m afraid but it’s slightly less hectic in the studio! Best wishes
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