Demo fruit 1

Hellllloooo. Back from Patchings and utterly exhausted after four days of workshops followed on quickly by one day of travelling and setting up, four days of demonstrating, a two-hour tailback on the M1 back home and a trip to London today to deliver paintings. I have, in the past, had people comment on how relaxing it must be being an artist……huh!
Anyway, enough of that. I’m not moaning because I love doing what I do. Patchings was huge fun (despite some terrible weather and a near disaster involving a large pool of water collecting in the marquee roof above my stand). I caught up with a lot of buddies, made some more and saw lots of lovely blog-followers. Can’t believe I sold so many Christmas cards….in June! I only took them along to fill in a gap.
So while I smooth out my feathers and possibly tidy my house, here’s a demo piece from the workshops last week.

1723 demo fruit 1

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD

6 replies
  1. Richard Phipps
    Richard Phipps says:

    It was great to talk to you and see your paintings Penny. Thank you for answering my queries about yellow paint and opacity.. Hope you have a much needed rest now!

  2. Richard Phipps
    Richard Phipps says:

    I don’t think this comment page is working right. I can’t see the comment I posted or any replies..?


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