Peeled satsuma

Well, the end of another year which has been a good one for me as I hope it has been for you.
It leaves nothing to say other than I wish you and yours all a very Merry Christmas and a very happy new year and to thank you for all your support, without which I wouldn’t be able to do what I love doing.
If you find yourself still struggling for that last-minute present for a loved one I have vouchers available which I could post or email and if you’re feeling super-generous – how about a painting holiday in Italy for 2017! See you again in January. Right, where did I put that tinsel?


20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase


1767 figsThere’s a surprise – me painting figs again. I couldn’t resist the fact that these were the lovely teardrop-shaped ones rather than the squat round ones and anyway, made a delicious if cholestorol-loaded lunch with the remains of some Stilton. Oops.
In London all day tomorrow, Lord help me, so will catch up on Friday for the last blog of 2016!!

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Viburnum and three pots

I’m just showing off now but yes, I do have a pot habit (not that kind). It probably needs addressing since I can barely shut the door on my ‘props’ cupboard now but I just can’t help myself. Show me a bit of crockery and I get my purse out. What’s a girl to do?

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1766 viburnum and teardrop vase

20x15cm oil on gessoboard

Satsumas and tiny pot

Plans to paint at Coton Manor this morning were thwarted by the warm weather…….I want to paint the frost!! It was a very dull, flat light so I’ve postponed it. Stayed in the warm to paint some more satsumas instead. It’s all beginning to feel quite Christmassy but I still haven’t got those cards written! Groan.

1765 satsumas and tiny pot

20cmx15cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Satsumas in a glass dish

I haven’t quite scoffed them all yet so I put some in this glass dish this morning and set to work.  Then I ordered my turkey……oh, oh, now it’s all starting.  Christmas cards……ugggh.  Love getting them hate writing them.

1764 satsumas in a glass dish

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboardas,

Click here to purchase

Viburnum and teardrop vase

Love this little teardrop vase.  At least, I think it’s a vase but since you’d only get one very thin stem in there, maybe it’s just a beautiful little thing to put on a shelf.  The only thing in the garden at the moment is viburnum.  At least……………I think it’s viburnum.  Don’t know much, do I?

1763 viburnum and teardrop vase

20cmx15cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase


Satsumas and green bowl

I found this little bowl in Copenhagen.  I wondered into a little shop run by a Japanese lady, full of crockery from Japan.  The sort of thing you can get in John Lewis but hey ho, it sounds much more exotic……….a Japanese bowl from Denmark.

1762 satsumas and japanese bowl

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase




Duck eggs

Fancied a change this morning.  OK, answers on a postcard please.  What do I do with duck eggs?  Lots of duck eggs?  Excuse the out of focus shot.


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1761 duck eggs

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard


Helllllooooo!  At last, I’m back in the studio after a flurry of exhausting fairs etc. in the pre-Christmas rush.  And…….relax.  So happy to be back at the daily painting grindstone.  Just me and Jane Garvey – bliss.  Having heard that my large painting of turnips went off to a new home yesterday, I decided to dig this beauty up from the vegetable patch and paint it.  I just love these purple jobbies and this one seems to be a characterful shape.  It’s probably more to do with my planting!

Could I remind you that if you’re struggling with what to buy Aunty Joan for Christmas, she might just appreciate a limited edition print, in which case take your pick from here – I can post them to you in a jiffy.  Buying from artists and makers not only helps keep them going but makes a more meaningful gift – and that’s all I have to say on the matter.  Hooray I hear you cry.

turnip 1760

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase