
Well, that’s it. Suitcase packed and on the wind-down to my trip to Italy with some pals. Of course, the sun came out today wouldn’t you just know it but I’d still prefer a little Italian sunshine for a while. These hydrangeas grow outside my kitchen and go the most gorgous ruddy colours as they fade. I caught these while they were still pink and hope to get the autumn colours when I return.
Have a great bank holiday.

1838 hydrangeas

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Figs and cup

My love affair with these little beauties continues. I rarely get to eat them though as I tend to keep them in the studio for two long, squeezing every last bit of painting time out of them, and they end up wrinkled and sad. I’m off to Italy next week so will be eating them non-stop and fresh from the market with a bit of luck.

1837 figs and cup

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Grandma’s pears 2

I did these pears twice in different lights as I was writing an article on lighting still life for The Artist magazine. So, if you think you’ve seen them before a few days ago…….you’re absolutely right. Guess I can safely eat them now.

1836 grandmas pears 2

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase


I was hoping to revisit Coton Manor today but woke to fog………I mean, August? Seriously? I thought I’d cling on to the summer by painting this lovely Boscobel rose which has finally flowered in my beds.

1835 boscabel

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard – SOLD


It’s getting increasingly autumnal and doesn’t feel like August at all. Nasturtiums have been out for ages and all my plums are ripened……shocking! I put some nasturtiums in a little bowl from Grandma’s shelf as the colours were such a good alliance.

1834 nasturtiums

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Grandma’s pears 1

I’m heading out early today to get in my August painting of Coton Manor before the high winds hit so this post is super-early into your inbox. My lovely late mother-in-law planted a pear tree in our garden not long before she died and we have two pears this year! I thought I’d consign them to my dp collection so here they are. I’ve actually painted them twice with different lighting angles for an article I’ve just finished for The Artist so expect a repeat, but differently lit, portrait soon!
Have a great weekend.

1833 grandma's pears

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Four figs

These figs are getting overripe so had to get on and paint them before I put them in the dinner!
Love the bloom on figs and with this one I played around with the background a bit.

1832 four figs

20cmx20cm oil on gessboard

Click here to purchase

Blue hydrangeas

I actually did this sketch twice as it was for a larger painting and I was trying to sort something out in my head. Apart from that I really enjoyed the challenge so there’s always a reason!

1830 blue hydrangeas

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Cornish hydrangeas

Bump! I’m back in the saddle. That was a rather long absence I admit but very busy with painting trips, exhibitions, horrendously big birthday, holiday and much painting of larger works. Anyway, I’m here for a little while before the next trip in two weeks to Italy (paints packed!) so I’ll be doing a few oil sketches. These are some of those gorgeous blue hydrangeas, the like of which I only seem to find in Cornwall, so bright a hue are they. When I put them in my “dark” box, the colours sang even more. Couldn’t resist scrumping by the side of the road. One of these days………

1829 cornish hydrangeas

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase