Figs 1

I think it may be here!! Spring, that is. Definitely warmer so that’s a good thing right?
There’s only one week left to see my exhibition at 78 Derngate, Northampton with paintings of the gardens and its produce. Speaking of which, I’ll be on Radio Northampton on Sunday morning around 10.35 speaking to John Griff about the exhibition, my painting journey and all sorts. Maybe even mention the theft!! Two paintings were taken off the wall and snuck past the desk. I know! Outrageous. Luckily all my facebook friends and the police are on it so I may get them back, you never know. Not quite Ocean’s Eleven but a big loss to me all the same. I do hope you’ll pop in and see the exhibition anyway. Also, I’m doing a demo at Coton Manor next Tuesday. If you’d like to come and watch, go to their website and book yourself on via their garden school. Fab lunch included and I can recommend their cakes…….sadly.

1883 figs1

20cmx20cm oil on canvasboard – SOLD

2 replies
  1. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    Oooh , early fig season . Yum !
    So sorry to hear about the ” theft ” I hope you get a result .
    Fingers X that I can get radio N’hampton down here in deepest Hants . I’d like to listen in to the prog’.


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