Cornishware and lemons

Ooooh, I have been enjoying this weather but it sends me into a panic with everything I want to paint coming on thick and fast. I’ll show you what I’ve been doing below but firstly, here’s a little one to take you into the weekend. I’m in summer mode I think.

20x20cm oil on canvasboard

Click here to purchase

So anyway, I’ve had a bit of a pash this week for Magnolia Stellata, a somewhat gorgeous example of which is growing in my neighbours garden. After a couple of days of coveting over the fence, I had permission to scrump. So I’ve done these two and since Jobbers is away, I’ve managed to finish these two, one of which is a monster, in the week! I have to admit to a bit of a pash for these Fired Earth tiles too and I found this lovely old toolbox in a local bric-a-brac shop. Now you know where my money goes.

Yes, ok, so the last one is Ranunculus but I slipped it in there for good measure.

Anyway, that’s my week done. Off to Waitrose for some weekend goodies since everyone’s coming home. Happy Mother’s Day all you heroine’s of the bedtime stories.


Well, I’ve just about recovered from Surrey Art Fair which was great fun with good sales but boy…….exhausting! Loved being in a little ‘enclave’ with painting pals. We did a lot of giggling and sharing of all things chocolate and were able to watch each others’ stands when the obligatory wee was required. I stayed in a sweet little airbnb up the road which I had to myself so at close of day didn’t need to speak………not that I could!
Anyway, onwards and upwards. I’ve just been out to buy painting subjects for the weekend from the wholesaler so that’s me – holed-up for the next two days whilst you all enjoy some R&R. Not sure I thought it through properly so I’ve got a job on my hands to paint them before they die. Still, Jobbers is away so the house is empty bar me so I can make a rare old mess in the kitchen prepping panels and eating when I like. Bliss.
So, before I hit you with my flower bomb, here’s some good old garlic – always a great subject, panders to my obsession with whites and doesn’t wilt. Have a lovely weekend.

20x20cm oil on canvasboard

Click here to purchase

Cherry blossom

I’ve been a little bit captivated of late by Monty Don in Japan. I’d love to see the cherry blossom but having to make do with a gorgeous tree in our village which heralds the very beginnings of spring each year. The owners kindly let me pinch a bit so I did this little oil sketch and then worked on a larger one for Surrey Contemporary Art Fair which is next weekend (let me know if you’d like a complimentary ticket).
Anyway, happy International Women’s Day to all you lovely people, regardless of gender (or not?)

cherry blossom 10951

20cmx20cm oil on canvasboard

Click here to purchase