Coton Manor

A very happy new year to you all!  Excuse my prolonged absence but pre-Christmas I was furiously working up to and stewarding two exhibitions, one in Stratford-upon-Avon and one in London.  I made lots of sales which allows and encourages me to carry on doing what I love.  It meant of course, fewer ‘dailies’ and I’m still not up and running on that front as I’m now gearing up for my next exhibition – phew!  It’s my collection of Coton Manor paintings which I’ve been working at all year, painting en-plein air and still-life in the studio.  It will be on at the Charles Rennie Mackintosh house, 78 Derngate, Northampton from 1st Feb to mid-April.  If you’d like to join me on the private view – please let me know.  Below is a little taster.

Other news is that I have workshops coming up and I’m also busy arranging my painting holiday in France where I’d love you to join me.  Details of both are on my website

When I get back in the studio rather than tearing around to framers and the like, I will post again with my dailies.


This honeysuckle grows over an arch in our garden but this year is completely weighing it down so that there is a definite listing to port. I have come to a decision to go AWOL and am taking a month off daily painting. I need to get some larger work done, sort out the tip we have been living in and even make friends with my ironing basket. In between I need to fit in a few days walking in Bavaria and a family jape in Croatia so, you see my need! I wish you all a wonderful summer and I’ll be back online mid-August with a bit of luck and a fair wind, with some new prints and exciting news. In the meantime, I will be drawing the lucky winner of a daily painting from my subscriber list next Tuesday so don’t forget to check the post, you never know.

8"x8" oil on gessoboard

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Head study

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard

A bit left-field in the general scheme of things but it was a very grey day yesterday so I ended up doing this head study for a larger painting.  This is a study of Colette, a lovely Irish model who used to sit for us in the Attic Studios in Bangkok.  I miss those days of painting with other people.  Once Colette was settled into her pose, we’d whack up the music (generally Donna Summer and other disco music – favoured genre of studio owner), pour a glass of wine (evenings only of course, tea during the day) and jiggle around our easels painting – ah, those were the days.  Still, onwards and upwards………..back to my lonely studio upstairs – just me and Jenny Murray 🙂

cup and narcissi

8''x8'', oil on gessoboard, SOLD

My daughter won this little cup at school in athletics and as I had to give it back for the next year’s recipient, I thought I’d preserve it for posterity in paint!