
Ooooh, I’m loving this spring weather and these little chaps are popping up all over.  There jewel-like colours always inspire me to paint them.  Meanwhile, it’s Friday chaps and the weather is looking fine.  What’s not to like!  Have a lovely one.

9414 hellebores

20x20cm oil on board £150




Coton Manor

A very happy new year to you all!  Excuse my prolonged absence but pre-Christmas I was furiously working up to and stewarding two exhibitions, one in Stratford-upon-Avon and one in London.  I made lots of sales which allows and encourages me to carry on doing what I love.  It meant of course, fewer ‘dailies’ and I’m still not up and running on that front as I’m now gearing up for my next exhibition – phew!  It’s my collection of Coton Manor paintings which I’ve been working at all year, painting en-plein air and still-life in the studio.  It will be on at the Charles Rennie Mackintosh house, 78 Derngate, Northampton from 1st Feb to mid-April.  If you’d like to join me on the private view – please let me know.  Below is a little taster.

Other news is that I have workshops coming up and I’m also busy arranging my painting holiday in France where I’d love you to join me.  Details of both are on my website https://pennygerman.com/workshops/

When I get back in the studio rather than tearing around to framers and the like, I will post again with my dailies.

Sunday River bridge

Good Monday to you. Well, my exhibition in Stratford-upon-Avon is up and running so if you’re around and about, do pop in to the Stratford Gallery for a look.
On my recent trip to New England, I managed a small number (smaller than I’d have liked) of plein-air paintings whilst hurtling through Maine, Vermont and Mass. in a bid to see as much as possible. I fell in love with the covered bridges and hoped to see Clint but alas…….no. Here’s one I managed a quick sketch of and yes, the colours were quite as mad as that. I’m reliably informed that it’s the sugar in the maples that makes them that vibrant red. All I know is that I brought home a jar of maple syrup which has gone down well back here in the German household, on the Sunday pancakes!

1851 Sunday River bridge

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Yorkshire stream

It’s panic-stations at Chapel Cottage, trying to get ready for my solo exhibition before I’m off on Friday to New England and Washington. There is no room at my kitchen table to eat as it’s constantly full of paintings to varnish and frames to paint……..good job Jobbers is away. I’m very excited about this exhibition as it’s at a beautiful new gallery The Stratford Gallery in Stratford-upon-Avon and runs throughout November. More details later but in the meantime, here’s a little sketch made in Yorkshire in July while I was having a blast painting in the company of the amazing Jeremy Lipking. I’m hoping to do a larger studio piece from it in time. It was made on the day after I slid down a staircase and damaged my somethingorother ligament in my knee. I’m still hobbling! And no, before you comment, it was first thing in the morning, not gin and tonic time.

1843 yorkshire stream

20cmx15cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Coton Manor Day

Yesterday I spent a lovely day at Coton Manor doing my “May” painting of the wisteria that grows on the south side of the house. It was particularly glorious and the visitors were seemingly very impressed with it. Some stopped to chat while I painted which was lovely. These paintings will go in the exhibition “A year at Coton Manor” which will kick off next February at 78 Derngate, Charles Rennie Mackintosh house in Northampton. There will be at least one plein-air and one still-life for each month from the gardens. If you’ve never been to Coton Manor, I’d highly recommend it. I’ve been in the garden today, painting Freya’s beautiful pram under the apple tree……….more on that once it’s finished. Studio day tomorrow and I’m fancying some asparagus.

The garden school door

Coton Manor


I did this little sketch in St.Ives last month when I went painting with art buddies.  It was freeeeezing and stupidly, I sat in the shade as I wanted to get that shadow drawing ever closer.   It may be worked up to a studio painting, or maybe not.  Anyway, it was a lovely little bay with a lovely little cafe that served lovely little lunches so I was happy in the end.

1774 porthgwidden

20cmx15cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase


Dahlia Alan Sparkes

I’ve been working on some biggies this week so have no daily painting today for you.  I thought I’d show you this dahlia which I painted in situ at Coton Manor gardens and then at home as a still life.  Excuse the photo, the paint is still wet! Big and blowsy……..who knew dahlias could be so lovely!  I’ve never been a fan but think I may be a convert.

10x12 NFS

10×12 NFS



Norfolk sails

Just a quickie as I’m rushing out to get my neck seen to!  Think it’s an occupational complaint, too many hours at the easel 😉  Anyway, I did this in Norolk last week and as it’s just about to be dispatched to it’s new owner, thought I’d show it to you.  Painted at Thurne on the Norfolk Broads.

Norfolk Sails

Norfolk Sails – SOLD

Can you see what it is yet?

no post yesterday as I’m in London with the fab Louise Balaam doing a little responsive rather than literal painting. It’s great fun and this is as far as I’ve got so far. Needs sorting today. It’s across the lake in St. James park but obviously, you knew that.


Shirgar Fort, Baltistan

Ooops. This new time zone gets me confused and I keep forgetting to post! Here’s the other painting I managed in the north of Pakistan last week. This is the beautiful Shirgar Fort which dates back to 15thC but is now a sympathetically-restored hotel – the fort part being a museum. It nestles at the foot of the Karakorums and is an idyllic hideaway. This view was looking over the wall to the river, next to one of the many ancient balconies. Was a quick morning sketch as my holiday buddies were waiting to get on the road.

10x8" oil on gessoboard

10×8″ oil on gessoboard