Tag Archive for: bluebells


I love anemones and their jewel-like colours. So, anyway, thought I’d let you in on some good news (unless you follow me on FB in which case….sorry to go on again). On Sunday I was elected an associate member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists which was very exciting. Next step is to go forward as a full member next year. The RBSA is a lovely society which, I have discovered, is the oldest royal society of art after the Royal Academy and former presidents include many of the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood. Their first exhibition was held under the patronage of many famous artists including JWTurner. There, a potted history for you.
Below you can see the half-finished plein-air painting of the bluebells at Coton Manor.

1800 anenomes

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD

painting at Coton Manor – May


I’m hiding in my studio today, just a little shell-shocked and wondering if it’s safe to come out. I don’t know what’s in store but I’m just going to keep wielding my brushes and stay calm.
Here are some bluebells I’d forgotten about.

I’m getting ready for Childwickbury and hoping to see some of you there next weekend. Click here for details:

Gated road, Slapton hill

The other evening, I fought off the urge to paint bluebells and went back instead to this road where I’d done a practice walk with the WTW group. Lovely spot and I love rape fields.

Gated road, Slapton hill

8″x6″ oil on gessoboard

The first of my new frames left the house today and I must say, I was pleased with the overall effect. Think they’re a winner!
New frames from South africa

New frames from South africa

Bluebells 2

Phew! Back from Patchings and just about unpacked and sorted…..kind of. It was a lot of fun, I met loads of lovely people including some artists I’d long admired and even got some sunshine to boot, though not a lot! So anyway, welcome, welcome to all those lovely new subscribers, I hope you enjoy my ramblings and more importantly my daily paintings. Speaking of which, I’m not quite sure just how daily they’ll be in the next weeks as I have another show coming up that I must prepare for. Firstly, if you are in my area, I am going to be painting in the window of the Made in Northamptonshire shop in St. Gilles st, Northampton on Thursday morning. If you’re passing give me a wave or better still, come in and say hello. I will no doubt feel a complete lemon or maybe like one of those ladies in Amsterdam. Don’t think I’ll wear the suspenders though! Here’s one I made earlier as I haven’t managed to get to the easel today yet.

 8"x8" oil on gessoboard

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD


Bluebells for Ali

These were painted this morning for a friend who is unwell and having to face some truly horrible treatment. I hope you will feel well enough this weekend to get out and walk amongst the bluebells as rumour has it that they are your favourite flowers. It will be coming through the post to you, when it’s dry, with lots of love.
I am off to Birmingham this evening to watch Eddie Izzard, can’t wait. I will be at the Spirit of Summer fair at Olympia tomorrow on the stand of Charlotte Supple Interiors. If you’re going, please come and say hello.

Bluebells for Ali

8″ x 8″, oil on gessoboard – NFS