Tag Archive for: Christmas cards

News from the studio

Hi everyone,

Thought I’d grab a minute to connect after a busy period. I’ve been gearing up for my next exhibition, in London (Brackenbury Village to be precise) this time during the first week of December. I did it last year with my painting pal Lesley Dabson and we had a fun and successful week so roll on. We’d love to see you at private view on Thursday 6th from 6.30 for a glass of wine to get you in the festive spirit. If not, we’re there every day too so pop in for a look and a chat.
Next week I’ll be joining the merry throng at the Mall Galleries for the ROI private view. It’s always a great afternoon and a chance to catch up with lots of painting mates. Networking is not something that happens that often when you’re at home in the studio so much of the time so I’m really looking forward to that. Jobbers had a foot operation three weeks ago to remove a ganglion which was pressing on a nerve so he’s been home for nearly a month. So, I was delighted to have the house back to myself this morning I have to say. I miss our chatty coffees in the kitchen but it’s surprising how much time you can waste when you have someone at home! On the plus side, he did help me with my tax return which is my absolute bete noire 🙂
Below you can see what I’ve been working on lately. I’ve been obsessed with textured plaster walls and white pots which will of course feature in the exhibition. White is such a challenge but there are lots of colours in white subjects so it’s all about temperature change. Also, pics of Christmas cards now available and the flyer for our l’il show. Stay warm.

Walnuts and pots 10×20″

Mistletoe Christmas card

Contemporary Classics exhibition


Hi all. I thought I’d send you this photo of ‘Stan’ painted as a birthday commission. He’s a cute little terrier with a slightly bent front leg so don’t think I don’t know! I enjoyed painting him and his owner is delighted….phew!
I wanted to let you know that I have packs of Christmas cards available. See below packs of 6 cards for £5.00 plus £2.00 p+p for up to four packs. If you’d like some do email me back as they’ll be here next week and I can send them out.
So, what else have I been up to? Lots of painting, naturally and I’m in the middle of organising next year’s workshops. If you’re interested, do let me know and I’ll put your name on the list. I’ll be heading up to London for the ROI pv on November 27th and then shortly after that I’ll be setting up for my exhibition in Hammersmith with Lesley Dabson from 3rd December. If you’d like an invitation for either of those pvs, do let me know.


Mistletoe Christmas card

Satsumas in a glass dish

I haven’t quite scoffed them all yet so I put some in this glass dish this morning and set to work.  Then I ordered my turkey……oh, oh, now it’s all starting.  Christmas cards……ugggh.  Love getting them hate writing them.

1764 satsumas in a glass dish

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboardas,

Click here to purchase


Hi everyone, I’m sorry to have neglected my daily paintings recently but I’ve been really busy in the lead up to Windsor Art Fair this week and various other hand-ins!  Lots of painting but mainly big ones.

I thought I’d show you a few and remind you that I have Christmas Cards available on my website as well as prints and notelets if you’re looking for an inexpensive gift!  Hope to be back in the saddle soon.

Some of my Windsor stash

Some of my Windsor stash

Christmas cards packs of 6

Christmas cards packs of 6

Wow, thank you.

Thanks to everyone who made it to my open studios this weekend but also to all of those who follow my blog, facebook page or instagram account.  Painting is what I love to do and when you buy something, you help me carry it on and when you read my blog, with or without comment, it makes it all worthwhile so – thank you!  Ohhhh yes, I took my gushy pill this morning.

These packs of Chrismas cards proved popular and are now available on my website.



The tree and decs have gone….hoorah. Now all I can see are cobwebs but hey-ho, we’ll sort that out later.
I’m in need of your help. I have three images for a set of four Christmas cards for next year including this, mistletoe and mince pies. I’m wracking my brain trying to think of a subject for the fourth…..any ideas? Something a little quirky but Christmassy. There could be something in it for the best suggestion.

1507 interloper

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1507″ ]