Tag Archive for: clementines

Three clementines

Ok, ok, but they’re gone now. They went in the Christmas cake last night so no more clementines for a while. I’d like to let you know that whilst my exhibition in Stratford-upon-avon is still running until next Thursday, I have another up my sleeve. I’ll be exhibiting at the Hepsibah Gallery in Hammersmith with Lesley Dabson who is a rather marvellous painter of boats, waves and Venice. We’d love to see you so do pop in if you’re in the area. Off to a very soggy Cumbria tomorrow so will touch base next week. Have a lovely weekend.

1860 three clementines

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Clems again

Well, you were warned. To me, it doesn’t matter what I paint just so long as I’m painting. I like to squeeze every last drop out of my purchases. They must start to rot soon. Tell me when you’re getting bored…

1859 clems again

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Clementines in a blue bowl

They’re still going……..they must end up in a cake soon. Just to let you know I’ve posted some new workshop dates on my website, including a snowdrops painting day. If you’d like to give a workshop as a Christmas gift, I can offer a voucher. Have a great weekend.

1857 clementines in a blue bowl

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Click here to purchase

Clementines and cup

I’m going to squeeze every last drop out of these clementines so be warned. I have some very exciting news. I’ll be running an oil painting holiday from 8th-15th September 2018 at beautiful Le Somail on the Canal du Midi in France. Details are on my website here https://pennygerman.com/alpha-painting-holidays/ and I’ll be giving a 10% ‘earlybird’ discount if you book before April 1st (bookings taken from January). If you’d like to put your name down or receive any more information, do email me.

Clementine and cup 1855

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Click here to purchase

Bridge at Le Somail

Shutters and shadows mmmmmm.

Clementines and bowl

I was thrilled to discover Waitrose are stocking these clementines with the leaves still on. I haven’t painted them with leaves on since leaving Pakistan. Good ol’ Waitrose. I have a few dailies on my ‘available paintings’ page if you’re looking for a lovely Christmas present. Small enough to post too or I could wrap and post for you if you put the correct shipping address on. I also have prints if you’d rather a less expensive gift.

1854 clementines and bowl

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Clementines and dessert glass

I’m back from my short trip to Amritsar (photos below) which was action- packed and fabulous. If you are considering going, hesitate no longer, the golden temple is magical. Painting friends, I am going to look into possibility of painting there. Not sure of protocol yet. It was great to do the Wagah border ceremony from the Indian side too having done it from here? Lots of peacock strutting and facing-off from the two sides. A kind of “my moustache is bigger than yours” scenario with crowds shouting support and drums beating out the incredibly up-tempo marching beat. What fun! Anyway, back to the easel this morning and some clementines for your delectation. Have a lovely weekend.

1524 clementines and dessert glass

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Fierce border guards!

Fierce border guards!

Golden temple

Golden temple

Clementines, jug and block print 2

It’s beginning to feel……..well, you get the idea.  I’ve decided not to put up a tree this year and instead do something natty with some twigs in a jug.  Anyway, the decorating will be up to Floss who breaks up tomorrow but I will post a photo if she makes a good job of it, which of course she will.  It’s a pity our dog isn’t here as he is the twig/branch-collector supremo.  Anyway, have a great weekend. Sorry this photo is a bit out of focus.

Clementines, jug and bp 2

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Clementines, jug and blockprint


Clementines, jug and block print

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD


So, I haven’t been sitting on my backside really.  Despite my complete lack of Christmas preparations, I have been relishing in being back in my lovely studio.  The rafters have been groaning somewhat today with these stormy winds.  Very glad I’m south if the border and hope all my lovely subscribers up there are tucked up well.


Clementines and blockprint


Last one again now for a while until I get home and set up again. All this tooing and froing is playing havoc with my routine.  I can’t wait to get home. This background is a block print I found in a local shop.


Clementines, rice bowl and blockprint

8″ x 8″ oil on gessoboard – SOLD

Clementines and Cup


Clementines and Japanese cup

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

The clementines are still going strong…..