Tag Archive for: daily paintings
Phew. Busy, busy day. There was a weird round yellow thing in the sky for a while this afternoon. Not quite sure what it was but I liked it and hope it stays.
I have four days of workshops from tomorrow and quite frankly, when I get home all I want is a glass of wine and a sit down rather than blogging so you may not hear from me but if I get an energy spurt I will post the demo pieces. After that it’s pretty much straight off to Patchings where again, for four days, nothing much gets done at the end of the day and not sure of the wi-fi situation so normal service may not be available in the next two weeks but believe me – I’ll be painting every day! Hope to see some of you at Patchings – please come by my stand and say hello – I’m right by the entrance to the materials marquee where you’ll no doubt be coming to grab your bargains.
Here’s a taste of summer to be going on with.

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard – SOLD
Lilac in jug

20cm x 20cm oil on gessoboard – SOLD
I think the lilac is beginning to go over now, that is all the tight, dark buds have bloomed and it’s a lighter shade all over. I managed this one before it happened though.
Have a great weekend, whatever the weather brings.
Snowdrops and cornishware
Bags are packed and I’ll be flying back to Pakistan in the next few days. After a few days of washing/repacking, I’ll be heading out with Jobbers to Myanmar for a couple of weeks R&R and painting! Not sure what the wifi situation will be but will blog my paintings wherever possible. Looking forward to some sun and the odd temple.
Back later……

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD
Snowdrops 2
Well I didn’t get any painting done yesterday but I did have a lovely day. Shopping and lunch with a pal in London, followed by a trip to see the Monet to Matisse at the RA (a must – I urge you to go!). It was lovely to see so many fabulous paintings including Sargent, Sorolla and even my favourite William Nicholson whose Miss Jeykell’s garening boots was given pride of place on the theme of gardens. I think my favourite garden painting was Green Wall by Santiago Rusnol and of course the sublime waterlilies by Mr. Monet. Anyone else been? Which was your favourite. Onwards after that to the Artists of the Year Award PV at the mall galleries. Didn’t come home with silverware but very honoured to be short-listed. Congratulations to the winners, you can see a lot of the work here http://makingamark.blogspot.co.uk/ (including my turnips on the wall, second photo) courtesy of the wonderful Katherine Tyrell whose blog is well worth a follow.
So…….more snowdrops.

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard
Jonquils in a honey jar
I’m having a lot of trouble with my boards. A bad workman and all that…….but they seem to be super-absorbent and I dont know if it’s the paint I’m priming them with or the boards themselves. It’s a mystery but finding supplies here is tricky and my Urdu being pretty non-existent means labels are an even bigger mystery. Hey ho. Onwards and upwards, think I’ll try and find some more primer. Had a great day painting on Sunday at an historical railway station and seemed to attract an awful lot of attention from local children and Afghani children who live by the tracks. They seem all to have nine lives or more! They are gorgeous but don’t really get the concept of personal space. It was pretty difficult trying to paint with them all pushing, shoving and poking around in my kit. Jobbers came to the rescue with a large bag of Haribo!
Medlars and grapes
I’m delighted to tell you that I’ve been shortlisted for The Artists of the Year awards 2015 run by Artist and Illustrator magazine. Among the awards is a readers’ choice and I’d be chuffed pink if you could see your way clear to voting for me here . The shortlisters’ works will be on display at the Mall Galleries in February but more on that later.
It’s all very exciting but I got back on my perch long enough to paint these medlars from a friend’s garden. I’d never seen one before, despite being fairly well-travelled. No idea what to do with them but not sure these are an edible variety anyway. Cute though.

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD
Figs and soup bowl
I’m a bit behind with my ITery, haven’t had a chance to load photos and all that jazz so here’s one I made earlier. Back off to Cumbria now so may not be able to post for a few days. I’ve been painting mackerel in the studio today which pongs something wicked. I’d leave the door open to air but I fear it might attract the local feline population. I’m hoping to return next week to a somewhat fresher studio. Note to self – must paint faster!

8”x8” oil on gessoboard-SOLD
Last Sweet Peas
I’ve had occassion to visit a hospice recently and was absolutely amazed by the wealth of kindness and caring shown by the staff, many of whom it appears work on a voluntary basis. It really restored my faith in humanity after all the grissly stuff on the news. Evidently, there is inate goodness in the world. With that in mind, the proceeds for this painting will go to the St. John’s hospice in Lancaster so dig deep please peeps! These are the last of my mother-in-law’s sweetpeas which she grew on her allotment-garden. Beautiful flowers, beautiful person.