Tag Archive for: fruit bowl

Fruit bowl

It’s Friday!! Nearly Easter so I shall be heading north next week for a family visit, taking some friends, walking, scoffing and a bit of painting thrown in if I have my way.
I’ve been working on gallery work but last week I had a great workshop with a lovely group over three days! Exhausting but fun and they did some great work. Here’s my effort which I made as a demo for them. I’ve been working on my next little one and taking progress shots so hoping to give you a bit of an insight into how I work but in the meantime, here’s a little fruit cocktail for you. Have a wonderful Easter!

9436 fruit bowl

20cm x 20cm oil on canvasboard

Click here to purchase

Demo fruit

Whoops, apologies for lack of posts last week – it was a busy one. The first two days were workshops and here’s my demo painting from the first. Lots of lovely workshoppees who produced some great work. This was hastily painted in a somewhat compromised space as I’d got my admin wrong and had two students over my normal intake! Fun though.

1841 demo fruit

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Demo piece with pear

Another demo piece from another workshop. I seem to be keeping myself pretty busy with these workshops lately but we’re heading up to Cumbria for Easter so I’m hoping for a bit of time to do some plein-air painting. Hoping for good weather too.

1790 demo piece with pear

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase