Tag Archive for: hydrangeas

Prints for Christmas

Long time, no speak. Needless to say, I’ve been pretty busy and not really done many oil sketches lately, just larger paintings for my upcoming exhibition at https://hepsibahgallery.com/ in Hammersmith from 3rd – 9th December with Lesley Dabson. However, in the meantime, I just wanted to let you know that I have prints available for those ‘posting’ Christmas gifts for friends and loved ones in far-flung places. They come signed, mounted and cellophane wrapped and measure 13.5×14 inches all in. They are priced at £55 but as a little Christmas offer, I’m happy to post it out to you or your recipient, free of charge. Can’t say fairer than that!
I’ve got some figs staring at me from the fridge so hope to do some oil sketches of those this week. Watch this space!

Limited edition giclee print

Hydrangeas from my garden

I think we’ve had this (one-way) conversation before so forgive me for banging on but I just loooove these hydrangeas at this time of year when their pinkness turns to autumn colours just before they die off. Enough said.
Last blog for a while as I’m off to New England for a spot of leaf-peeping and family visiting. Very excited and paints are packed as I’m hoping to see lots of lighthouses, dutch barns and bridges. I’m also hoping to visit one of my all time painting heroes but more of that if it happens, when I get back. When I get back it’s all systems go for my solo show starting 1st November at the gorgeous www.thestratfordgallery.co.uk in Stratford-upon-Avon so why not come along; see some paintings, witness some Shakespeare and feed some swans. Happy October.

1845 hydrangeas from my garden

20cmx20cm oil on canvasboard

Click here to purchase


Well, that’s it. Suitcase packed and on the wind-down to my trip to Italy with some pals. Of course, the sun came out today wouldn’t you just know it but I’d still prefer a little Italian sunshine for a while. These hydrangeas grow outside my kitchen and go the most gorgous ruddy colours as they fade. I caught these while they were still pink and hope to get the autumn colours when I return.
Have a great bank holiday.

1838 hydrangeas

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Cornish hydrangeas

Bump! I’m back in the saddle. That was a rather long absence I admit but very busy with painting trips, exhibitions, horrendously big birthday, holiday and much painting of larger works. Anyway, I’m here for a little while before the next trip in two weeks to Italy (paints packed!) so I’ll be doing a few oil sketches. These are some of those gorgeous blue hydrangeas, the like of which I only seem to find in Cornwall, so bright a hue are they. When I put them in my “dark” box, the colours sang even more. Couldn’t resist scrumping by the side of the road. One of these days………

1829 cornish hydrangeas

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Demo piece 2

Ok, I’m back in the saddle and I have some big news! Drum roll………..I’ve passed my five-year milestone. Yes, five years of daily painting and I’m still loving it. It has to be said, life has thrown a few things in the way of production a few times last year and all the travelling means a few gaps in blog but essentially I’m producing five-six daily paintings a week and enjoying every minute. I’m also producing some larger pieces so life is pretty busy. Anyway, I will be giving away a painting (similar to this one, painted from same still life) to celebrate in the next week so let me know if you’d like to be in with a chance by replying to this blog or liking my FB page https://www.facebook.com/Penny-German-Art-1440674559559048/.

1674 demo piece 2

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard – SOLD

Last hydrangeas

I managed to find a few hydrangea heads hanging on! This will be the last blog for a few days while I fly back to Pakistan and wrestle with the jet-lag. See you on the other side……

1643 last hydrangeas

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard=SOLD

Hydrangeas and cornishware

Off back to Cumbria where events may mean I need to go off piste for a while so forgive my absence if I do. Here’s the last hydrangea painting for now.


8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Hydrangeas 3

Delighted to say that I’ve been delivering some larger paintings today to the Russell Gallery, Putney for their Christmas Exhibition starting 27th November. Lovely gallery and today the walls were adorned with some rather wonderful Ken Howard, Peter Brown, Richard Pikesley and Jane Corsellis works to name but a few. What a feast for the eyes! So anyway, all that jollity meant no studio time today so here’s one that was slipped into a handbag at my open studio on Sunday. Paid for of course!

Hydrangeas 3

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Tiptree and hydrangeas

Well my open studio day was lovely but I don’t think I’ve ever drunk so much tea and coffee in one day! The sun shone and it was lovely to see new and familiar faces. Here’s one that didn’t make it into a bag!

8"x8" oil on gessoboard

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard


Hydrangeas in white jug

Let’s start the week with some Hydrangeas. I painted these on Friday morning (they grow and turn burnt crimson outside my kitchen door) and then I had a visitor to the studio who took it home! So, I’ve been painting them again this morning but that’s for another day.

Hydrangeas in white jug

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD