Tag Archive for: landscape

Coton Manor

A very happy new year to you all!  Excuse my prolonged absence but pre-Christmas I was furiously working up to and stewarding two exhibitions, one in Stratford-upon-Avon and one in London.  I made lots of sales which allows and encourages me to carry on doing what I love.  It meant of course, fewer ‘dailies’ and I’m still not up and running on that front as I’m now gearing up for my next exhibition – phew!  It’s my collection of Coton Manor paintings which I’ve been working at all year, painting en-plein air and still-life in the studio.  It will be on at the Charles Rennie Mackintosh house, 78 Derngate, Northampton from 1st Feb to mid-April.  If you’d like to join me on the private view – please let me know.  Below is a little taster.

Other news is that I have workshops coming up and I’m also busy arranging my painting holiday in France where I’d love you to join me.  Details of both are on my website https://pennygerman.com/workshops/

When I get back in the studio rather than tearing around to framers and the like, I will post again with my dailies.


I did this little sketch in St.Ives last month when I went painting with art buddies.  It was freeeeezing and stupidly, I sat in the shade as I wanted to get that shadow drawing ever closer.   It may be worked up to a studio painting, or maybe not.  Anyway, it was a lovely little bay with a lovely little cafe that served lovely little lunches so I was happy in the end.

1774 porthgwidden

20cmx15cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase


Norfolk sails

Just a quickie as I’m rushing out to get my neck seen to!  Think it’s an occupational complaint, too many hours at the easel 😉  Anyway, I did this in Norolk last week and as it’s just about to be dispatched to it’s new owner, thought I’d show it to you.  Painted at Thurne on the Norfolk Broads.

Norfolk Sails

Norfolk Sails – SOLD

Karakoram mountains, Baltistan

It’s so lovely to be back in the UK, having arrived home on Saturday evening. The weather is glorious and the grass at CC is about a foot high which is the price you pay!! Sorry to have been offline for so long but I was up in glorious Baltistan, northern Pakistan and wifi was seriously lacking. Anyway, here is a painting of the sun coming over the mountain behind our hotel. I had yet another equipment malfunction and my tripod gave up on me entirely so the lovely staff found a table to rest my pochade on. It rather limited my subject choice but luckily, everywhere you look is a stunning view so no problem! And all that before breakfast and the day’s sight-seeing. I can’t tell you how beautiful it was up there. Hopefully, you’ll get a taster from the painting below. I have posted lots of photos on my FB page.

10x8 oil on canvas board

10×8 oil on canvas board


Floating gardens – Inle Lake

Continuing with my little trip around Burma for you, this one was painted standing on a very rickety bridge on Inle Lake. These floating gardens are amazing and they grow all manner of things on these buoyant beds, tomatoes, aubergines and other things. Incredible. All gardening is done from a boat or balancing on the bobbing beds! I got a taxi boat back to the hotel afterwards and the painting got splashed all over with dirty lake water which thankfully brushed off later. I’ve been busy painting fruit and flowers but you’ll just have to bear with me until I’m done showing you these.

Floating gardens- Inle Lake

Floating gardens- Inle Lake

Stupas – Bagan

I’m back from our wonderful holiday in Burma – what a magnificent country it is and the people are fabulous.
It is like other countries in SEA twenty or thirty years ago although things are moving on apace. If you get the chance to go, I’d highly recommend it but make it quick before it changes too much.
I’ve got back to the easel but whilst I garner myself, I will show you a few oil sketches made on my trip. This was done in Bagan. After a hard morning’s sight-seeing, it was hard to drag myself away from the pool in the late afternoon to paint this but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity – but boy was it hot!! I had to rush it and didn’t really get to finish as I was late for the next sight-seeing batch. Hey ho.

Stupas - Bagan

Stupas – Bagan

Hindu Temple

I had a lovely afternoon yesterday painting in Islamabad, an old Hindu Temple from pre-partition days. Lots of little scallywags watching me and chirruping away in Urdu despite the fact that I told them I didn’t understand.
Anyway here’s the end result. The yellow domed building will be next on my list.

Norfolk fun

Excuse my absence but whilst my website and blog have been in for repair, I have been skittering around the gorgeous Norfolk broads as part of a plein-air event (A brush with the broads or ABWTB to those in the know). What fun, hanging out with painting buddies, meeting new ones and painting. What’s not to love! The weather was amazing. In fact I burnt whilst painting on the beach at the Quick Draw (2 hours to do a painting) and have some rather unseemly apron marks on my chest. Other women get bikini strap marks…me? Apron marks! Back to the drawing board today

dyke at West Somerton

dyke at West Somerton

Norfolk lane, morning

Norfolk lane, morning

Great Yarmouth quick draw

Great Yarmouth quick draw

Sunset at Ormsby

Sunset at Ormsby

Salt marshes, Gower peninsula

I’m experiencing technical glitches today so while I’m sorting that out, here’s one I made earlier. I painted this when we were down on the Gower last month for our son’s wedding. It was such an impressive view, I had to pull over and paint it. Fortunately it wasn’t the actual wedding day so I wasn’t in my finery…..could have caused a few looks,

Salt marshes, Gower

Salt marshes, Gower

Helmdon barns

This is the road that my buddies and I walk on a Saturday morning…six miles and coffee to follow. I spotted these barns in the morning and went back to paint them later. Travelling up to Cumbria tonight to see family – hoping for some fair weather as I’m packing my paints! Have a wonderful bank holiday.

Helm don barns

Helm don barns