Bluebells 2
Phew! Back from Patchings and just about unpacked and sorted…..kind of. It was a lot of fun, I met loads of lovely people including some artists I’d long admired and even got some sunshine to boot, though not a lot! So anyway, welcome, welcome to all those lovely new subscribers, I hope you enjoy my ramblings and more importantly my daily paintings. Speaking of which, I’m not quite sure just how daily they’ll be in the next weeks as I have another show coming up that I must prepare for. Firstly, if you are in my area, I am going to be painting in the window of the Made in Northamptonshire shop in St. Gilles st, Northampton on Thursday morning. If you’re passing give me a wave or better still, come in and say hello. I will no doubt feel a complete lemon or maybe like one of those ladies in Amsterdam. Don’t think I’ll wear the suspenders though! Here’s one I made earlier as I haven’t managed to get to the easel today yet.