Tag Archive for: mushrooms
Something a little ”off-festive” today and was the welcome protagonist of an omlette last night. So much rich food having been digested, it’s lovely to get back to basics…….if I needed anything at all!!
As the year draws to an end, I’d like to thank you all massively for supporting me and following my blog. It’s been a blast and I’ve got exciting plans and a big anniversary coming up but more on that next week. In the meantime, Happy New Year to you all and I wish you much success and happiness in 2016.
I think I’m losing my marbles. I completely forgot to post yesterday’s painting. Anyway, the subject matter is going into a bowl of pasta later on this evening as I’m catching up with a long lost friend whilst Jobbers is in Cumbria.
Tech glitches still abound so if interested in this painting please email me. First come as they say..
Mushrooms and jug
A first for me today………….painting in my new studio whilst it snowed outside. It was nice and warm though so I stayed in there quite happily. Trying to master my audiobook played through my Ipod was another story and brought nothing but frustration!! I think I’ve got the hang of it now so will try again tomorrow.
Two mushrooms
Two apologies. Firstly, the pop-up shop didn’t quite pop-up yesterday! Hiccups with the lease means it will now open next week. Also, I need my daughter (tradition!) to draw the random number of a subscriber to win the Christmas painting and she’s not here until tomorrow, so that’s when we’ll do it. You’ve got to be in it to win it so, last chance to sign up to my blog. I’ve just been down to the Bell Plantation to get my Christmas tree……….it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, or at least December.
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Mushroom on tiles
I haven’t posted much lately because I’ve got a ”frozen shoulder” that’s giving me jip at the moment. I’m rationing my easel hours so as not to exacerbate the situation. In the meantime, I’m really working those tiles which are actually from a photo I took in a hotel bathroom in Italy in September. Nothing escapes me and I loved the colour and the chips in the tiles. My camera always makes my straight lines look wonky but they’re not, honest. I’m painting in my studio for the first time today. It’s not quite ready but I am working on a brace of pheasant which need to be kept chilled so as not to encourage nasty beasties. The trouble is, that means I have to be kept chilled too which is not my natural state. I’ve come in for some soup.
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Sorry for lack of posts in the last few days, due to a technical glich. There won’t be any for the next ten either as Jobbers and I are off to Italy tomorrow for a tootle round Puglia, celebrating a big anniversary. Can’t wait for a bit of sunshine to warm the bones and a long, cool glass of Prosecco. So, arrivederci until October 1st.
More mushrooms
I’ve really been having fun this week messing about with mushrooms. This is supposed to be a practice and development project so please bear with me if you don’t much like fungi. There are all sorts of pathetic jokes that could be made I know – I shall resist.