Tag Archive for: painting

Black nasturtiums

Well, I had a great week in Venice last week, painting with like-minded friends.  The weather was balmy and the light soooooooo inspiring.

I did these nasturtiums before I left and they are a very rich, dark red, almost black.  The flowers are quite small but I always think the leaves are lovely.

Click here to purchase

1746 black nasturtiums

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Norfolk fun

Excuse my absence but whilst my website and blog have been in for repair, I have been skittering around the gorgeous Norfolk broads as part of a plein-air event (A brush with the broads or ABWTB to those in the know). What fun, hanging out with painting buddies, meeting new ones and painting. What’s not to love! The weather was amazing. In fact I burnt whilst painting on the beach at the Quick Draw (2 hours to do a painting) and have some rather unseemly apron marks on my chest. Other women get bikini strap marks…me? Apron marks! Back to the drawing board today

dyke at West Somerton

dyke at West Somerton

Norfolk lane, morning

Norfolk lane, morning

Great Yarmouth quick draw

Great Yarmouth quick draw

Sunset at Ormsby

Sunset at Ormsby


I think I’m losing my marbles. I completely forgot to post yesterday’s painting. Anyway, the subject matter is going into a bowl of pasta later on this evening as I’m catching up with a long lost friend whilst Jobbers is in Cumbria.
Tech glitches still abound so if interested in this painting please email me. First come as they say..


8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

Brussels and baubles v Christmas pomegranate

I need your help again. Before I put Christmas to bed and wend my way back to Pakistan, please could you help me to decide which of these images will be my fourth image for next year’s Christmas cards? You need to get into the voting habit for May so you may as well start now…..pretty please. Back next Monday when I will be at my easel on the other side of the world….again. Thanks for your help.

1508 Brussels and baubles

Oil on gessoboard 8″x8″

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1508″ ] 
1509 Christmas pomegranate

Oil on gessoboard 8″x8″

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1509″ ] 

Aubergines and jug


Aubergines and jug

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Hello from Pakistan!  Well, I made it and haven’t turned back although I will be heading home in the next couple if weeks.  It’s been a journey, in more than literal terms but I am feeling positive now that I’ve managed to source some turps – you have no idea what a mission that was!  One of many.  Anyway, I found these lovely fat aubergines in the veg shop which had a power cut (total darkness) whilst I was in there buying them!  I will be home well in time to pop this in my suitcase and post out to anyone who might like it.  I don’t want to bore you all to death with tales of my new life but some of you have expressed an interest. With that in mind, I thought I would do a separate newsletter so if you’d like to receive that, email me and I’ll out you in the list.