I feel I should be in the greenhouse today but can’t tear myself away from the studio. I’m working on a few large ones for various venues but had time to do these pears this morning before scoffing one at lunchtime!
I feel I should be in the greenhouse today but can’t tear myself away from the studio. I’m working on a few large ones for various venues but had time to do these pears this morning before scoffing one at lunchtime!
Well hello……..I’m back from my long holiday and at the easel again, flying in the face of jetlag and eager to get on. I have to tell you, New England in the fall is all it promises to be despite our missing the best show (it is running later than anticipated this year). What colours. I’ll show you some of the paintings when I get a mo. The second half of the hols was spent with family and I had such fun with little Freya………she’s a real hoot.
Anyway, onwards and upwards. I’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up which I will drip feed you with this week but in the meantime, here are some of what’s left in the garden. I think perhaps it will take me yonks to get it into shape for the winter – hoping to get my back into that this weekend.
20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard
I’m heading out early today to get in my August painting of Coton Manor before the high winds hit so this post is super-early into your inbox. My lovely late mother-in-law planted a pear tree in our garden not long before she died and we have two pears this year! I thought I’d consign them to my dp collection so here they are. I’ve actually painted them twice with different lighting angles for an article I’ve just finished for The Artist so expect a repeat, but differently lit, portrait soon!
Have a great weekend.
20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard
I’ve been up at Stowe Gardens, National Trust this morning checking out a room with my colleagues where we’re going to set up a pop-up gallery/shop during the last week of November – should be fun and Stowe is so beautiful, created by Capability Brown no less. Well worth a trip. I’ll remind you nearer the time!!
Today it’s the very last of the plums and a few pears.
20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard – SOLD
Wow, thank you for all your kind comments on my celebration of five-years daily painting. All your names are in the hat for the prize draw along with those who have “liked” my FB page. Here’s to another five!……heck.
I have to say, I think pears are the most beautiful things. Maybe I’m losing it! I do love to paint ordinary things in the hopes of making them look a little less ordinary. It doesn’t always work but I keep trying. Anyway, I’m one of three siblings so maybe that’s the appeal here. Off to the German bazaar for a bit of gluwein and a frankfurter………not great on the calorie count but it is nearly Christmas!
Have a lovely weekend.
8″x8″ oil on gessoboard
Thank you so much to all who have voted for me in the awards competition. Still time if you haven’t (here’s the link)!
It’s going to be blowing a gale this weekend so I hope you’ve all battened down the hatches. It’s very sunny here this morning but I was put off going out with my easel as I thought it might just blow away! So, I’ve snuggled down in my studio with Jenny Murray and the heater on, painting pears.
8″x8″ oil on gessoboard
Back to earth with a bump after two days at the Mall Galleries for private view of ROI show meeting loads of painter friends and portrait demo by the remarkable June Mendoza. Just managed to fit this little study in this morning, they were all I could find in the fridge.
I am busy stashing paintings away to take to Ludlow next week and then Windsor in November. I will also have some at Edinburgh in November but more on that later. So, chop chop, busy busy…………… off to buy canvas this afternoon and see an Arthur Miller play afterwards! These are Forelle pears from good old Waitrose.