Little yellow boat 10×8
I’ve been outrageously remiss in posting on my blog for such a long time! I was prompted to post today after my third email enquiry by one of you lovely readers into my well-being. So moved by such concern. Anyway, I’m absolutely fine it’s just been a bit hectic with working on large paintings for galleries, fairs and organising workshops and our painting holiday in France. I’ve only been back from France for two weeks but we had a blast and the painters came up with some great work so all’s well. The painting above is a quick demo I did sitting in a very precarious position on the towpath under a bridge in quite a strong wind having to shift for cyclists every so often. I’m amazed I didn’t end up in the drink! I was drawn to this unloved little yellow boat as it sat idly under the big tree near a bend in the canal. The area was outstandingly lovely and the house amazing. Kim provided us with some scrumptious meals and the painters even had a dip in the pool after a hard day’s work. My summer has also been taken up with exhibiting at Snape Maltings and Patchings. So, you see, I haven’t been idle.
With all this going on, my small oil sketches are few and far between but bear with me, I’ll be posting more regularly soon. An alternative is to sign up to my newsletter and if ping me an email I can do it for you. They are more newsy but less frequent (ha!). I’m also on FB penny german art or most often instagram @pennygerman. Hope this finds you well.