Tag Archive for: plein air

Little yellow boat

Little yellow boat 10×8

I’ve been outrageously remiss in posting on my blog for such a long time! I was prompted to post today after my third email enquiry by one of you lovely readers into my well-being. So moved by such concern. Anyway, I’m absolutely fine it’s just been a bit hectic with working on large paintings for galleries, fairs and organising workshops and our painting holiday in France. I’ve only been back from France for two weeks but we had a blast and the painters came up with some great work so all’s well. The painting above is a quick demo I did sitting in a very precarious position on the towpath under a bridge in quite a strong wind having to shift for cyclists every so often. I’m amazed I didn’t end up in the drink! I was drawn to this unloved little yellow boat as it sat idly under the big tree near a bend in the canal. The area was outstandingly lovely and the house amazing. Kim provided us with some scrumptious meals and the painters even had a dip in the pool after a hard day’s work. My summer has also been taken up with exhibiting at Snape Maltings and Patchings. So, you see, I haven’t been idle.
With all this going on, my small oil sketches are few and far between but bear with me, I’ll be posting more regularly soon. An alternative is to sign up to my newsletter and if ping me an email I can do it for you. They are more newsy but less frequent (ha!). I’m also on FB penny german art or most often instagram @pennygerman. Hope this finds you well.

Demo piece

I forgot to post yesterday as I was so stuck into the peonies! Anyway, more of them later, once they’re dry. Before that, here’s a quick demo study I did at my recent workshops on the subject of which……….next ones are 11th and 12th September, still life and flower painting respectively and sometime in August I aim to run a plein-air workshop here near Towcester. Do email me if interested.

1818 demo piece

20cmx20cm oil on gessboard – SOLD

Dahlia Alan Sparkes

I’ve been working on some biggies this week so have no daily painting today for you.  I thought I’d show you this dahlia which I painted in situ at Coton Manor gardens and then at home as a still life.  Excuse the photo, the paint is still wet! Big and blowsy……..who knew dahlias could be so lovely!  I’ve never been a fan but think I may be a convert.

10x12 NFS

10×12 NFS



Shirgar Fort, Baltistan

Ooops. This new time zone gets me confused and I keep forgetting to post! Here’s the other painting I managed in the north of Pakistan last week. This is the beautiful Shirgar Fort which dates back to 15thC but is now a sympathetically-restored hotel – the fort part being a museum. It nestles at the foot of the Karakorums and is an idyllic hideaway. This view was looking over the wall to the river, next to one of the many ancient balconies. Was a quick morning sketch as my holiday buddies were waiting to get on the road.

10x8" oil on gessoboard

10×8″ oil on gessoboard

Stupas – Bagan

I’m back from our wonderful holiday in Burma – what a magnificent country it is and the people are fabulous.
It is like other countries in SEA twenty or thirty years ago although things are moving on apace. If you get the chance to go, I’d highly recommend it but make it quick before it changes too much.
I’ve got back to the easel but whilst I garner myself, I will show you a few oil sketches made on my trip. This was done in Bagan. After a hard morning’s sight-seeing, it was hard to drag myself away from the pool in the late afternoon to paint this but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity – but boy was it hot!! I had to rush it and didn’t really get to finish as I was late for the next sight-seeing batch. Hey ho.

Stupas - Bagan

Stupas – Bagan

Hindu Temple

I had a lovely afternoon yesterday painting in Islamabad, an old Hindu Temple from pre-partition days. Lots of little scallywags watching me and chirruping away in Urdu despite the fact that I told them I didn’t understand.
Anyway here’s the end result. The yellow domed building will be next on my list.

Norfolk fun

Excuse my absence but whilst my website and blog have been in for repair, I have been skittering around the gorgeous Norfolk broads as part of a plein-air event (A brush with the broads or ABWTB to those in the know). What fun, hanging out with painting buddies, meeting new ones and painting. What’s not to love! The weather was amazing. In fact I burnt whilst painting on the beach at the Quick Draw (2 hours to do a painting) and have some rather unseemly apron marks on my chest. Other women get bikini strap marks…me? Apron marks! Back to the drawing board today

dyke at West Somerton

dyke at West Somerton

Norfolk lane, morning

Norfolk lane, morning

Great Yarmouth quick draw

Great Yarmouth quick draw

Sunset at Ormsby

Sunset at Ormsby

Cherries on a shelf

A late in the day blog today as the sun came out at 4.30 so I felt compelled to dash out to do a bit of plein-air. It was all going so well…..until I realised I hadn’t brought any paints with me except what was in my box. Soon ran out and had to improvise with all sorts of colours to try and get the tones. Going to have to work it up from a photo!
Cherries for your delictation. Put them in some cup cakes when I’d finished but burnt them….not my finest hour.

1591 cherries on a shelf

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Somewhere near Maidford

Somewhere near Maidford

Gated road, Slapton hill

The other evening, I fought off the urge to paint bluebells and went back instead to this road where I’d done a practice walk with the WTW group. Lovely spot and I love rape fields.

Gated road, Slapton hill

8″x6″ oil on gessoboard

The first of my new frames left the house today and I must say, I was pleased with the overall effect. Think they’re a winner!
New frames from South africa

New frames from South africa

Painting out

Oh England, my England! Having been starved of the beautiful British countryside for many months, I just had to get out today. I painted a path through a rape field where I met a very nice woman riding her horse then moved on to Eydon churchyard where I knew it would be shady! Will post the paintings tomorrow after a tweak.

Just blocking in

Just blocking in