What an exhausting but wonderful weekend at Childwickbury. Lots of familiar faces and lovely new people to meet. One of my lovely bloggees turned up with these gorgeous redcurrants to paint. She also very kindly offered me supper and a bed….how kind people are!

Sold from the easel. Redcurrants in freezer!
Sadly, I had to get back home to my Grand Prix B&B guests. Never let the grass grow! Another brought me this lovely frame to see that he’d made for one of my paintings that he owns. So clever! We’re going to get some more made so let me know if you’d like one. They are designed so that the painting “floats” inside the frame…..funky!

Floating frame
I Also caught up with lovely Rosemary of Rosemary & co who was selling her amazing brushes and we swapped art for brushes which was wonderful….best brushes in the world! I’ll show those to you tomorrow. Here are some peonies for you perusal. It’s nice to be home but am packing to fly back to Pakistan……all a bit mad at the moment. Catch you later.

8″x8″ Oil on gessoboard-SOLD