Tag Archive for: sake cup

Magnolia and sake cup

Last month, my subject at Coton Manor for April was the striking magnolia that grows by the lake. The month it just had to be bluebells so yesterday I took myself off to the bluebell woods there which were looking fabulous. I did a quick oil sketch and shall be painting the bluebells later in the week. Here’s a little oil sketch of the magnolia and I’ll post a photo of the plein-air I did yesterday, tomorrow when I’ve sorted out a technical glitch.

1801 magnolia and sake cup

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard-SOLD

Plums and sake cup

Listening to Bob Dylan on the Ipod and painting……..what more can a girl want. The sun is shining but I can’t be tempted.
Plums today.

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Garlic and sake cup

A bit overcast today but I hear Britain is waking up to the big freeze so shouldn’t complain. Not a lot of light for painting though so have been doing admin. Here’s one from earlier this month.

1653 garlic and sake cup


Marigolds in sake cup

That fooled you, you thought I had painted some rubber gloves didn’t you? That’s an idea though. These were purloined from the compound borders…it’s all a bit corporation, a little bit parks and gardens for my taste but these were a goer with my favourite blue.

1572 marigolds in sake cup

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

 [fs_add_to_cart item=”1572″ ] 

Eggshells and sake cup

[fs_add_to_cart item=”#1404″ ]

Eggshells and sake cup

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard

More white!  Don’t worry, I will soon be running out of white paint. After painting this morning, I did a strenuous hour of yoga burn….ouch! I’m off for a massage, the weekend starts here! Have a good one. You may not here from me next week as I have a large portrait to work on.