Tag Archive for: snow

Last of the snowdrops

I think I’m done with snowdrops now for this year.  They’re here for such a short time that I can’t help but make use of them whilst they’re around.  More snow coming apparently……….I’m done with that too!

1876 last of the snowdrops

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard – SOLD

Cherries and square pot

Here’s a little taste of summer to cheer you up whilst you fend off ‘the beast’. Snow is swirling around my studio and I’m tucked up in there with the heater and radio on. Bliss.

1867 cherries and square pot

20cmx20cm oil on canvas board – SOLD

Snowdrops in a square pot

It was touch and go last night whether we would have to cancel the workshop today but, not a flurry in sight, we all managed to get there and the workshopees made some brilliant work.  It warms my heart when they say they’ve learned lots and go home happy bunnies.

Another one booked for tomorrow, snowdrops this time but I’d prefer snowdrops without the snow tomorrow.  On Thursday, bring it on!  Want to get out there and paint but tomorrow, just want to get all my lovelies there and home safely.


20cmx20cm oil on canvasboard


Click here to purchase