Tag Archive for: tiles

Cornishware and lemons

Ooooh, I have been enjoying this weather but it sends me into a panic with everything I want to paint coming on thick and fast. I’ll show you what I’ve been doing below but firstly, here’s a little one to take you into the weekend. I’m in summer mode I think.

20x20cm oil on canvasboard

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So anyway, I’ve had a bit of a pash this week for Magnolia Stellata, a somewhat gorgeous example of which is growing in my neighbours garden. After a couple of days of coveting over the fence, I had permission to scrump. So I’ve done these two and since Jobbers is away, I’ve managed to finish these two, one of which is a monster, in the week! I have to admit to a bit of a pash for these Fired Earth tiles too and I found this lovely old toolbox in a local bric-a-brac shop. Now you know where my money goes.

Yes, ok, so the last one is Ranunculus but I slipped it in there for good measure.

Anyway, that’s my week done. Off to Waitrose for some weekend goodies since everyone’s coming home. Happy Mother’s Day all you heroine’s of the bedtime stories.

Clementine on tile

A while back, I stopped at the factory shop for Fired Earth tiles and just couldn’t resist a little purchase. I’ve got a plan to incorporate my new tiles into larger paintings so was just mucking about with this clementine against the smoky blue of the tiles.

1861 clementine on tile

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Small oranges, red dish and tiles

The last of those little oranges, I think I’ve picked the tree clean! There are some sweetpeas bravely climbing up the wall but they need a little strong sun yet……..maybe in a few weeks. My eye is firmly on them.
Incidentally, I’ve just updated my workshop page with new dates. You can check them by clicking here.

1683 small oranges, red dish and tiles

20cmx20cm oil on gessoboard

Click here to purchase

Garlic and figs on tiles

I’m not sure how many variations on a theme can be done but I’m giving it my best! Anyway, this is the last for now…….probably. I feel the need for something new. Must go and look in the fridge. Hmmm. There’s only me home at the moment and not sure a dried up finger of parmesan and a half jar of mayonnaise is going to make a great painting. Time to raid some friends’ gardens methinks.

8''x8'' oil on gessoboard

8”x8” oil on gessoboard


Click here to purchase

Two figs and tiles

Figged out yet? I’m not. Still love painting them but boy, do I have a lot of them to fashion into a delicious meal for one this weekend. Any ideas?? Have a great weekend.

two figs on tiles

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard


Click here to purchase

Wrapped figs on tiles

Continuing on the figs and tiles theme………………. here’s another. I’m really enjoying painting these plus I get to use my gorgeous Michael Harding King’s Blue….mmm.

1634 wrapped figs on tiles

8″x8″ oil on gessoboard


Click here to purchase

Figs on tiles

Excuse my absence last week but family matters are keeping me out of the studio lately. Anyway, prepare for a fig fest as my favourite fruit are plentiful and I’ve been coupling them with Iznik tiles.

1633 figs on tiles

8″x6″ oil on gessoboard


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