Very many thanks for a lovely day of painting and thanks also to Sue for looking after our hungry crowd 🙂   I really enjoyed learning about tonal value drawing and pushing and pulling the burnt umber!  Its all so effective and makes perfect sense.  Now comes the hard bit – putting it into practice!!!   I will try and remember all your good advice and will keenly follow your blog, its a great inspiration!

Dear Penny, I would you to know how much I enjoyed your workshop last Monday. Everything was perfect, tuition,venue, company and of course the delicious lunch. Please thank Sue for me.

Hi Penny,   I wanted to say thank you very much for today’s workshop – I enjoyed it very much and, given I really knew nothing about how to start/do an oil painting, I am very pleased with the day and the painting I took home! I appreciate your help, clear teaching, patience, and your guidance with and help in rescuing my painting. The food was also delicious. Overall, it was a lovely and fun day.

Thank you Penny for a very worthwhile workshop……very enjoyable  and I learned much . You are very approachable so did not feel foolish asking questions. Feel inspired now !  Thank you again.